Prof. MUDr.
Pavel Dřevínek
PhD. Head of Department of Medical Microbiology,
CF Center, Prague, Czech Rep.
ECFS coordinator of Twinning project
Member of the board - ECFS
Prague, Czech Rep.
Prof. Dr.
Elke De Wachter
Head of the CF Clinic, Pediatric Pulmonology and allergy clinic.
Brussels, Belgium
Prof. MUDr.
Milan Macek
DrSc, Head of Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, CF Center.
Prague, Czech Rep.
First Pediatric Dr.
Simona Moșescu
MD, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatrics Section 1, Grigore Alexandrescu Children's Emergency Hospital,
Bucharest, Romania
Liviu Pop
PhD - Department of Pediatrics - Medicine and Pharmacy University Victor Babeș.
Timișoara, Romania
Assistent Prof.
Csilla-Enikő Szabó
MD, PhD - Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Pediatric Clinic I, Pediatric Emergency Hospital,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
CEO - CF Europe
Hilde De Keyser
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
CF Europe
Katarína Štěpánková
MD, CFE ambassador MUDr. - Slovenská Asociácia Cystickej Fibrózy
Mieke Boon
PhD, Pediatric pulmonology,
Leuven, Belgium
Alexandru Florian Crișan
Head of Physical Therapy
University Medical Recovery Clinic
Timișoara, Romania
Bogdan Almăjan
PhD - Medicine and Pharmacy University Victor Babeș
Timișoara, Romania
Associate Prof.
Ioana Ciucă
PhD - Department of Pediatrics - Medicine and Pharmacy University Victor Babeș
Timișoara, Romania
Andrew M. Jones
MD, FRCP, consultant physician
Manchester, UK
Trudy Havermans
PhD Clinical health psychology
Leuven, Belgium
Biochimist Medical Principal
Delia Corina Elena
National Institute for Mother and Child Health “Alessandrescu-Rusescu”
Bucharest, Romania
Petra Kolcunova
Bratislava, Slovakia
Associate Prof.
Laura Larisa Dracea
PhD - Department of Respiratory Diseases - Pediatric Hospital,
Brașov, Romania
Specialist Pediatrician
Raluca Maria Nechifor
Marie S Currie - Children's Emergency Hospital - Bucharest, Romania
Primary Pediatrician Assistant Prof.
Maria Iulia Brustan
PhD - Maria S Curie Children's Emergency Hospital, and Carol Davila Univ of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bucharest, Romania
Associate Prof. Dr.
Camelia Pescaru
Head of works, Primary pulmonologist
Timișoara, Romania
Chris Smith BSc (Hons) SRD MBDA
Senior Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis Dietitian
Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital - UK
Director for Education - ECFS
Member of the board - ECFS
Brighton, UK
CF Nurse
Cindy Ruelens
Universal Hospital of Leuven,
Prof. Dr.
Lutz Naehrlich
Consultant of ECFS Patient´s Registry,
CF Physiotherapist
Giverny Feron
Pediatric and respiratory physiotherapist - UZ Brussels,
Brussel, Belgium
Assistant Prof. Dr.
Andrei Lesan
National Transplant Coordinator
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Associate Prof. Dr.
Maria Victoria Ruță
Primary Respiratory Physician,
Specialist in medical Rehabilitation,
Leon Daniella Pulmonology Hospital
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Paediatric specialist
Cristina Andrei
Pd- St. Apostle Andrei Emergency Hospital Constanța, Romania
Associate Professor
Dana-Teodora Anton-Păduraru
MD, PhD,speciality Pediatrics - "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Iași, Romania
Associate Prof. -Dep. of Cell and Molecular Biology
Ioana Streata
MD,PhD - University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova
Regional Centre for Medical Genetics Dolj Emergency Clinical County Hospital
Craiova, Romania
University Professor Senior Pneumologist
Carmen Monica Pop
Leon Daniello Pulmonology Hospital
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
PO Representative
Georgiana Nițu
CEO - CF Association Romania
Bucharest, Romania
PO Representative
Stefan Joris
PO Belgium
PO Representative
Mihăiță Bariz
CEO - Mihăiță Bariz Association Romania
Bucharest, Romania
Event Moderator
Bogdan Bob Rădulescu
CF - Ambassador
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
PO Representative
Oana Voivod
CEO - "Together for Patrick" Association
Cluj-Napoca, Romania