for participation in the conference
Conference attendees must be over 18 years old!
Adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis can participate in this conference but before registration, they are requested to read the following:
While we encourage the implementation of hygiene methods and mask wearing, we are restricting the participation of individuals infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. IF YOU HAVE ANTIBIOTIC-RESISTANT BACTERIA PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND THE CONFERENCE! While we make every effort to restrict participation of individuals infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria we cannot guarantee that the conference hall will be a bacteria-free environment. Please note that by registering and attending in-person at this conference you acknowledge and understand that you are knowingly and freely assuming all risks related to illness and infectious diseases, including, but not limited to COVID-19. Further, you understand that refusal to adhere to any at these policy and to abide by the published safety measures and precautions may result in a participant's expulsion from the event and cancellation of their registration. If a person with CF attends, SOUTHEASTCF does not take any responsibility. Individuals with CF wishing to attend the conference, regardless of the SOUTHEASTCF recommendation, will do so entirely at their own risk and will be asked to contact the registration counter for a sticker to put on their badge to indicate that they have Cystic Fibrosis.
Contact with other individuals with cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) may pose a risk of cross-infection. Certain bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can spread from one patient to another. Infection with these bacteria can lead to a decline in lung function. Therefore, when attending events where other individuals with cystic fibrosis may be present, it is important to follow specific hygiene rules to limit the risk of cross-infection. Please carefully read these instructions before attending the conference! The following recommendations can help limit the risk of cross-infection for you and other participants with cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis): 1. Avoid shaking hands with other individuals (as an alternative, a friendly gesture could be a gentle touch on the arm or shoulder of the person); kissing (as a form of greeting) with other individuals is also not recommended. 2. Maintain a distance (of at least 1 meter) from other individuals with cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) to avoid direct spread of bacteria. 3. Always cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with disposable tissues; 4. Regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands or use antibacterial gel, especially after coughing or using the restroom; 5. When using the restroom, it is preferable to use liquid soap from a dispenser instead of solid soap and single-use paper towels instead of hot air dryers, if available. Always ensure that your hands are dry. It is preferable to use your own, personal bathroom if possible. 6. Use disposable tissues to dispose of sputum, throwing them in the trash can immediately after use (preferably a covered one), not in the toilet. 7. Do not use utensils (glasses, bottles, cutlery, etc.) that have been used by other individuals. Avoid using any "condiments" accompanying food items at the buffet that may also be used by other conference attendees. 8. Wearing medical masks that cover the mouth can limit the risk of cross-infections and should be replaced frequently. 9. Do not share hotel rooms with other patients with cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis). 10. When using the sink or shower, let the water run for 2-3 minutes to dilute any bacteria present. It is recommended to always have antibacterial hand gel and use it regularly to maximize protection. 11. Administer treatment in your room whenever possible. 12. Always remember that HYGIENE in daily life will help prevent the spread of pulmonary infections caused by bacteria. These hygiene rules are recommendations that we would be grateful if you would consider. Organizers make every effort to support patients in any way possible to adhere to these hygiene rules during the conference to limit the risks of cross-infection, but this cannot be entirely excluded. We advise you to discuss with your doctor about possible infection risks and other measures that can be applied to reduce this risk. The risk of cross-infection among individuals with cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) can be significantly reduced if appropriate hygiene measures are followed, but this cannot be entirely excluded. Organizers request that all patients infected with Burkholderia cepacia, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), or other antibiotic-resistant bacteria do not participate in this conference. Please carefully read the document "REQUIREMENTS TO AVOID CROSS-INFECTION DURING THE CONFERENCE" before registering for this event!
The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is a virus that belongs to the same family of viruses that cause certain types of colds or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and can be transmitted through: Conditions for participation in the conference 1. Direct contact 2. Droplets of saliva released by coughing or sneezing; 3. Touching contaminated surfaces. Like any respiratory illness, Covid-19 infection can produce mild symptoms such as: runny nose, sore throat, fever, cough. In some individuals (the elderly, those with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or heart disease), symptoms can be more severe, with breathing difficulties and may lead to pneumonia. General Prevention Measures 1. Frequent Handwashing – with water and soap or with alcohol-based hand sanitizer – removes the virus if it is on the hands. 2. Practice Respiratory Hygiene – when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with a flexed elbow or a tissue that will be immediately disposed of in the trash, then wash your hands with water and soap – by doing this, you prevent the spread of germs and viruses. If you touch your mouth when coughing, you can later contaminate objects and surfaces you touch. 3. Maintain Distance – keep a distance of at least 1 meter from individuals who cough or have a fever – when they cough or sneeze, small droplets of saliva containing the virus are released, and if you are too close to them, you may inhale them. 4. Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, and Mouth – hands come into contact with many surfaces that can be contaminated, and by touching the eyes, nose, and mouth, we facilitate infection with viruses. 5. If you have a fever, difficulty breathing, and coughing, call your family doctor – tell them if you have recently traveled outside the country or have had close contact with a person who has recently returned from these areas and has respiratory symptoms. 6. If you have mild respiratory symptoms and have not traveled abroad or have not been in contact with a person who has recently returned – practice hand and respiratory hygiene, stay at home until you feel better if possible. 7. Do not follow any treatment without it being recommended by a doctor. 8. Pets do not transmit the novel coronavirus – there is no evidence that pets, dogs, and cats, can be infected with the virus. However, we must always wash our hands with water and soap after coming into contact with pets. 9. Clean surfaces with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants – disinfectants containing chlorine, bleaches, solvents, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid, and chloroform can kill the novel coronavirus. 10. Avoid crowded areas, public transportation. 11. Choose to get information from official sources. Wearing a medical mask (if we have respiratory symptoms) can help prevent the spread of respiratory conditions. However, this measure alone does not guarantee the prevention of infections and should be combined with other preventive measures: hand and respiratory hygiene, maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter between individuals. Personal hygiene measures (washing hands with water and soap, using tissues for sneezing or coughing, maintaining a healthy lifestyle – diet based on vegetables and fruits, rest, and exercise) are essential for preventing respiratory illnesses and, especially, flu.